There are many communication protocols, ethernet, PDH, SDH, wireless etc. PDH/SDH protocol are widely used years ago, E1 is the basic comunication element of PDH and SDH. Recent years ethernet is developed very soon. More and more device communicate via ethernet network.
How does the device with ethernet port work with the PDH/SDH network?
The two different network need to connect by E1 to ethernet converter device.

If customer have more E1 lines, for example, 4E1 or 8E1, the 4E1 or 8E1 to ethernet converter will be needed.
1. 1channel E1 to ethernet converter ethernet over 1E1 transmission
2. 4channel E1 to ethernet converter 10/100M ethernet over 4E1 transmission
3 . 8channel E1 to ethernet converter 4*10/100M ethernet over 8E1 transmission, support GUI management
4. 16channel E1 to ethernet converter 4*10/100M ethernet over 16E1 transmission, support GUI management