Satellite TV over Fiber to the Home Solution
How to make satellite TV over fiber to the home?
There are three solutions:
Solution1: Satellite decode+CATV optical transmitter+PON system

In the solution, the satellite decode convert the satellite TV signal to CATV signal. The CATV optical transmitter work with PON system, realize the SAT TV over fiber to home transmission.
In the solution, the satellite TV working with PON system, reduce much cost. The solution provide SAT TV and ethernet service (IPTV, POTs, Wifi) to end users. This is very ideal application.
Solution2: SAT TV optical transmitter+ Satellite optical receiver point to multi-point application

The Satellite TV optical transmitter convert the SAT TV signal to optical, then transmission by fiber. In the end user site, the SAT TV optical receiver convert the optical signal to electrical signal.
The solution is suitable for the clients who only need the TV. By the fiber transmission, reduce large cost than the copper cable, which also can reach long distance.
Solution3: SAT TV optical transmitter+PON system

In the solution, the satellite TV signal will be directly transmitted by SAT TV optical transmitter. The solution working with PON system, can also provide ethernet and TV service to end user. It will need more satellite decode than solution1.